Friday, May 15, 2020

Skin care -tips and tricks now, get healthy glowing skin


Our skin has basically three layers  :


1)  Epidermis(the first layer):-this is the outermost layer of skin which provides waterproofing along with our skin tone (colour).

2)  Dermis (the second layer):-This second layer contains sweat glands, oil glands, tough connective tissues and hair follicles.

.There are about 650 sweat glands in about 6.5cm sq of skin.

3) Hypodermis(the third layer):-this layer is made up of fat and connective tissues

To improve your skin health implement all these proven techniques 


PIMPLES develops when oil glands become clogged and infected,leading to swollen,red lesions filled with pus ,also known as spots or zits are a part of acne . They are most likely to occur at the age of puberty because it causes excess of oil production in oil glands .,which further mixes with dead cell and block the pores leading to pimples

Thats why people with oily skin may having more pimples..


  • Wash your face properly to remove excess oil and dirt..with suitable skin care products.

  • Moisturize your skin because dry skin causes excess oiling which can block the pores

  • avoid touching face with your finger tips because these may contains bacteria which can infect your skin glands.

  • Never pop your pimples because popping  pimples may spread the pus from infected pore to the surrounding pores ,which  spread pimples that will cause your pimple healing longer..

  • Stay hydrated especially if you have dry skin. This helps in getting rid of dead cells which can block the pores of glands making your skin smooth and glowing

  • Limit sun exposure it leads to sweating giving bacteria a place to thrive and  causing more breakouts 

  • Use antibiotics because using antibiotics work by clearing the skin of acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation.

FOOD RECOMMENDED:  - Use fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet.

 Diary products and foods with high processed sugar may cause acne..


Dark spots is a common skin disorder which occurs when skin over produces melanin. Due to the harmful sun rays .

.So sun protection should be kept in mind,by using sunscreen which may also protect you from skin cancer

hormonal changes during pregnancy can also causes dark-spots

HONEY a type of bee VOMIT ? (reality is soo hard)


  • Aloe vera gel .Apply aloe vera juice or natural aloe vera gel directly to the dark spots for 30 minutes in the morning and evening .

  • Apply apple cider vinegar :-First miix equal amount of water and apple cider vinegar in a bowl and.Stir well .Then apply it on the dark spots .

  • Apply butter milk on dark spots and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

  • Hydrogen peroxide:- Combine 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of milk in a glass bowl ,then dip cotton pad in it and apply it on dark-spots . Leave it for about 15 minutes.

  • Lemon Cut a slice of lemon and gently apply on the affected areas for 10 minutes morning and evening.

  • Papaya:- .Make a paste of green papaya .Now apply this paste on the darkspots for about 20-30 minutes in the morning and in the evening.

  • Turmeric combine 2 tablespoon rice water ,2 tablespoon flour,and one teaspoon turmeric. Mix it well .Now apply this on the affected region for 20 minutes.

 FOOD RECOMMENDED:- Drink plenty if water,use tomatoes as well honey

If you are having sensitive skin then you should recommend your doctor before using these ways.


Generally skin glow does not depends upon skin type .So using these tips will not cause any skin problems  

  •  Drink excess of water.When skin hydrated then it naturally makes our skin glow.,reducing                     fine lines and  wrinkles.

  •   Use shimmery lotion to boost glow 

  •   Eat antioxidant rich food 

  •    Exfoliate your skin 

  •    Apply dry shampoo before bed/use natural face masks of honey.


  • Sweet potatoes

  • Walnuts

  • Tomatoes

  • Broccoli

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Avocados

  • Red or yellow bell peppers

  • Fatty fish such as salmon,mackerel and herring are excellent food for healthy skin


  • Mist moisturizing water If you’re going to mist don’t just mist water since water evaporates on the skin, creating dryness. 

  • Minimize acne scars with Dilo oil Dilo extract is a soothing oil rich with antioxidants. This dry oil from the Fiji Islands will not leave skin greasy. 

  • . Exfoliate longer When exfoliating you don’t want to scrub harder, instead do it longer for a deeper cleanse. 

  • Less is more when it comes to ingredients When it comes to skin care products less is more when it comes to ingredients. This is especially important if you have very sensitive skin.

  • Decrease alcohol Drinking alcohol on a regular basis can cause more oil production 

  • . DIY natural acne remedy The next time you get a big pimple apply a hot compress on it and apply 1 percent hydrocortisone cream to deflate the bump.

  • Skip intense heat If you want to avoid extreme redness in your face and broken capillaries absolutely avoid saunas, steam rooms, and spicy foods.

  • Layer your products correctly After cleansing your face in the morning the easiest way to remember the order in which to layer your products is start with the lightest to the heaviest. 

  • Hydrate with a humidifier If you’re after that moisturized, dewy skin, keep hydrated all year-round with a humidifier.

  • Up your bedtime routineAs part of your bedtime use lip balm, cuticle oil, and hand and foot cream. Besides who wants to get out of a warm comfy bed’

  • Be gentle with your face When washing your face avoid abrasive hand mittens or puffs. Your skin care routine should include a fresh wash cloth, preferably a low-loop terry one designed for newborns . 

  • Ditch cigarettesWant a reason to stop smoking? Smoking has been shown to make acne worse and depletes moisture, making your skin lose its luster and look wrinkly.

  • . Cut back on sugar If you’re looking for ways to eliminate acne try a low-glycemic diet with lot Refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and sugary snacks of other hormones that can cause nasty blemishes. 

  • Grate your cucumbers, not sliced Celebrities are opting for more natural skin care treatments like grating cucumbers versus sliced cucumbers. eye treatment: wrap grated cucumbers in a soft cheese cloth. Sit comfortably, tilt your head back and place the roll across your eyes.

  • Sour cream for sensitive skinIf you have sensitive skin then you should use sour cream for nourishment of skin

  • Don’t lose weight drasticallyWhen you lose weight too quickly your skin loses elasticity which makes skin sag. In addition, you might not look as young since you’ll lose the weight in your face first.

  • Use an all-natural multi-tasker oil Use Exotic Bath and Body Oil as a makeup remover, to protecting against razor burn, soften cuticles and as a cheekbone highlighter.

  • Sleep on your back Avoid wrinkles by sleeping on your back.

  • Butter up! Once a week, slather your hands and feet with  Body Butter and cover in plastic wrap for about a half-hour—then strip it away to check out the soft results.

  • Exfoliate first Exfoliation is a must so your skin fully absorbs your products.

  • Boost your skin with a hydrating serum  A serum is a concentrated source of an active ingredient that penetrates into your skin quickly.

  • Don’t use your SPF moisturizer at night Certain sunscreen ingredients clog your pores. When we sleep our skin is in a repairing and restoring mode so it’s vital that your night cream focuses on moisture and recovery.

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